Time management is a difficult work for me to do
Every time I always do something not important instead of dealing with something urgent to me
So I usually can not concentrate on studying and completing my homework well
I just like to play volleyball, watch TV programs, play computer games, and go online to browse BBS or websites
It wastes my time too much!!
However, to tell the truth, almost everyone likes to do this as me
So why can't I schedule my time well like others
I think I should get harder and harder
Every time I always do something not important instead of dealing with something urgent to me
So I usually can not concentrate on studying and completing my homework well
I just like to play volleyball, watch TV programs, play computer games, and go online to browse BBS or websites
It wastes my time too much!!
However, to tell the truth, almost everyone likes to do this as me
So why can't I schedule my time well like others
I think I should get harder and harder